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Carpet Arrow blue

Photo - Carpet Arrow blue
Accessories Carpet Arrow blue - buy in Blest Accessories Carpet Arrow blue - for home
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Представленный в размере: 160х230;
Вес: 1,5 кг + - 3%;
Состав COT 42%, SPES 2%, PES 56%;
Тип: тканый, безворсовый;
Страна производитель: Турция


Наши преимущества:

  • Пропитка Everclean - инновационная технология, которая облегчает удаление практически всех видов пятен. При этом структура самого изделия не деформируется и сохраняет свои первоначальные свойства.
  • противоскользящая основа
  • гипоаллергенность
  • экологически чистые
  • Устойчивы к выгоранию
  • Приятные на ощупь
Key Benefits
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Payment and delivery

Warranty and replacement

The quality, completeness of the goods must correspond to the samples presented in the showroom or catalogs, according to which the order is made, and the norms of the current legislation.

Each finished product is accompanied by a product passport.

The manufacturer has determined the following warranty periods for upholstered furniture:

  • 24 months for upholstered furniture used in residential premises;
  • 12 months for upholstered furniture used in public premises.

The manufacturer guarantees the operation of its products during the entire warranty period. The terms of warranty service are detailed in the Product Passport that comes with the purchased product.

  1. Only a new product that has not been used and has no traces of use is subject to replacement or return: scratches, chips, scuffs and other damage. The product has not been assembled.
  2. The packaging of the goods and all of its equipment are not damaged.
  3. Not damaged labels, instructions and production markings.

Replacement and return of goods to / from production is carried out by the Dealer / Buyer. 

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